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Grilled duck breast and sauce recipe

A delicious recipe for grilled free-range duck breast with its Floc-de-Gascogne sauce, strawberries and shallots, and to accompany with homemade fries!

Recipe and cooking for grilled duck breast and its accompanying sauce

Ingredients for 2 people:

  • 15cl of Red Floc Gascogne AOP
  • 1 Duck Breast
  • 2 shallots
  • A dozen strawberries
  • Grain pepper
  • Flower of salt

Sauce recipe for duck breast

  • Pour the Floc de Gascogne into a saucepan and gently reduce by 2/3.
  • Slice the shallots and brown them in the pan with a little fat.
  • Crush around ten peppercorns and add them to the Floc so that they diffuse their taste.
  • Finely slice the strawberries and add them as well.
  • Also add the shallots and a knob of butter.
  • Cook gently until you obtain a syrupy consistency.
  • Stop cooking and add a pinch of fleur de sel.

Recipe and cooking for grilled duck breast

  • Trim the duck breast, grid the skin and lightly salt it.
  • Start cooking the duck breast “cold” and turn up the heat.
  • Grill the skin side for 7 minutes then turn the breast over for another 7 minutes of cooking.
  • At the end of cooking, wrap the duck breast in aluminum foil to let it rest for 7 minutes to obtain a very tender and juicy duck breast.

Dressing the duck breast and its accompanying sauce

  • Place the Floc strawberry sauce at the bottom of the plate and half a duck breast on top.
  • Add a little sauce to the duck skin with a brush.
  • Accompany with some fries.