Frequently asked questions
Floc de Gascogne
Welcome to the FAQ on Floc de Gascogne. This short guide explores this emblematic aperitif from the South-West of France: its production, its tasting nuances and the best ways to appreciate it to go from amateur to connoisseur.
Floc de Gascogne, served as an aperitif, is enjoyed plain and should be consumed fresh, ideally between 5 and 7 degrees. It also offers the possibility of being incorporated into cocktails.s.
Although Floc de Gascogne is an aperitif, it also proves to be an excellent accompaniment to meals. Its presence is particularly appreciated during the summer, but it is suitable for all seasons.
It's up to your palate to choose. White Floc will have notes of honey and white fruits. Floc rouge, often a little sweeter, will have notes of plums and red fruits.
Although the official name is “rosé”, common language has imposed the word “red”. In all cases, it is indeed the same product.
Floc is the result of matting between 1/3 young Armagnac and 2/3 grape juic
The Floc de Gascogne which will have left you with the best memories. Just like wine, there are as many Flocs as there are producers. It’s up to you to make your selection.
Floc de Gascogne is made from Armagnac, a Gascon brandy. He is therefore alcoholic. The specifications of the appellation impose an alcohol level of between 16 and 18 degrees.
Floc de Gascogne comes from an appellation zone. It must be made in the Gascogne Armagnac vineyard which extends over part of the Gers, Landes and Lot et Garonne.
Floc is a producer's aperitif, it is made on the estate in an artisanal way.
The price of Floc generally varies between 10 and 15 euros.
Floc de Gascogne is a mistelle wine, its recipe is close to that of Pineau des Charentes. But the Floc is irreplaceable of course.
Floc is mainly present in its production area where it is for sale in wineries, wine merchants and supermarkets. If you live far away, many producers sell online.