Ça bouge au Floc !

Curieux de savoir qui se cache derrière le Floc et fait de la Gascogne une terre bien vivante ?

Festi Floc Mézin, le 29 juillet 2024

10h - Hiking in the vineyards

Meet at Place du Club (in front of the Town Hall) for a guided walk that will take you through the vineyards via La Ferme de Gagnet to La Cave du Mézinais.

Organized by the Club du Mézinais Land’Albret.

Coffee is offered by the Town Hall from 9:30 AM before departure.

12h - Cocktail workshop (Cave du Mézinais)


Learn how to make a simple and incredibly delicious cocktail. The final point of the hike, this workshop is open to everyone.

12h45 - Lunch (à la Ferme de Gagnet)

La ferme de Gagnet vous propose un repas autour du Floc (booking 0682361982)


Le Menu : 29€

Apéritif Floc de Gascogne Rosé

Assiette gasconne accompagnée de son Floc Blanc (Salade, gésiers confits, magrets séchés et belle tranche de foie gras mi cuit)

Magret grillé sauce au Floc de Gascogne et son gratin dauphinois

Vins des domaines voisins : Pellehaut et Magnaut

Fraises au Floc


Armagnac de la maison


15h - Guided tour of the Cork and Stopper Museum

Guided tour of the Cork and Stopper Museum. Follow in the footsteps of the bark peelers in the cork oak forest, discover the daily life of the workers who transformed cork into stoppers, and be amazed by the new uses of cork in design and aerospace!

The tour will conclude with a Masterclass on Floc de Gascogne. Discover its history, grape varieties, and the art of tasting it.

17h - Guided tour of Mézin

Guided tour of Mezin by l’Office du Tourisme de l’Albret.  Meet in front of the church for a walk of 1h15.

18h15 - Pastry workshop

Demonstration and gourmet tasting to discover the Floc de Gascogne cake: Lou Floc, by the Union of Pastry Chefs of Gers.

19h - Start of the gourmet evening (Place du Club)

Inauguration ceremony by the Academy of the Ladies of Floc.

Aperitif: Floc de Gascogne cocktail offered by the Floc de Gascogne Interprofession

Gourmet market of local producers with musical entertainment